Let’s break down what this script does in detail. The script is named uptime_kuma_pr_test_v2.sh, authored by GJS (homelab-alpha), and its purpose is to facilitate the testing of pull requests for Uptime-Kuma version 2.x.x in a Docker container environment. Here’s a detailed look at each section:

Script Metadata

  • Filename: uptime_kuma_pr_test_v2.sh
  • Author: GJS (homelab-alpha)
  • Date: January 04, 2025
  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Description: Enables developers to verify pull requests for Uptime-Kuma by running a Docker container with the specified Uptime-Kuma image on designated ports for the app and API.
  • RAW Script:uptime_kuma_pr_test_v2.sh

Variable Definitions

# Define the default ports for the Uptime-Kuma application and API.

# Retrieve current user information.
puid=$(id -u)
pgid=$(id -g)

These lines set up default ports (3000 and 3001) for the application and API, and retrieve user information such as the username, PUID, and PGID.

Helper Function

display_help() {
  echo "======================================================================"
  echo "         Welcome to the Uptime-Kuma Pull Request Testing Tool         "
  echo "======================================================================"
  echo "Usage:"
  echo "  1. Select an option from the main menu."
  echo "  2. Follow the on-screen prompts to proceed."
  echo "Note:"
  echo "  Option 2 has limited write permissions implemented."
  echo "  This limitation causes the container to exit unexpectedly when using"
  echo "  images louislam/uptime-kuma:pr-test2."
  echo "Options:"
  echo "  1. Uptime-Kuma Pull Request version: 2.x.x"
  echo "     Run a container with the louislam/uptime-kuma:pr-test2 image."
  echo "  2. Uptime-Kuma Pull Request version: 2.x.x with Persistent Storage"
  echo "     Run a container with the louislam/uptime-kuma:pr-test2 image."
  echo "Additional Options:"
  echo "  h or --help      : Display this help message."
  echo "  i or --info      : Show current user's information (PUID and PGID),"
  echo "                     as well as Docker and Docker Compose versions."
  echo "  q or --quit      : Quit the script."
  echo "For more information, visit:"
  echo "  https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/wiki/Test-Pull-Requests"
  echo "======================================================================"

This function displays usage instructions and script options in a neatly formatted menu. It describes how to run the tool, what each option does, and provides some guidance on troubleshooting issues with option 2, which uses persistent storage.

System Information Display

display_system_info() {
  echo "======================================================================"
  echo "         Welcome to the Uptime-Kuma Pull Request Testing Tool         "
  echo "======================================================================"

  # Extract OS name from /etc/os-release.
  if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
    os_name=$(grep '^PRETTY_NAME=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '"')
    # Default if the OS name cannot be determined
    os_name="Unknown OS"

  # Retrieve kernel version.
  kernel_info=$(uname -r)

  # Determine filesystem type of the root directory.
  filesystem=$(findmnt -n -o FSTYPE /)

  # Check for Docker and Docker Compose, displaying versions if installed.
  if command -v docker &>/dev/null; then
    # Get Docker version
    docker_version=$(docker --version)
    # Message if Docker is not found
    docker_version="Docker is not installed."

  if command -v docker compose &>/dev/null; then
    # Get Docker Compose version
    docker_compose_version=$(docker compose version)
    # Message if Docker Compose is not found
    docker_compose_version="Docker Compose is not installed."

  # Display collected information.
  echo -e "Operating System Information:"
  echo -e "OS: $os_name"
  echo -e "Kernel Version: $kernel_info"
  echo -e "Filesystem: $filesystem"
  echo -e "User Information:"
  echo -e "Username: $username"
  echo -e "PUID: $puid"
  echo -e "PGID: $pgid"
  echo -e "Docker Information:"
  echo -e "$docker_version"
  echo -e "$docker_compose_version"
  echo "======================================================================"

This function retrieves and displays system, user, and Docker-related information:

  • OS name from /etc/os-release.
  • Kernel version using uname -r.
  • Filesystem type with findmnt.
  • Docker and Docker Compose versions, if installed.

Validation Function

validate_repo_name() {
  if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+:[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$ ]]; then
    echo "Error: Invalid GitHub repository format. Use 'owner:repo' (e.g., 'Ionys320:master')."
    # Exit if the command fails
    exit 1

Checks if the GitHub repository link entered by the user is in the correct format (owner:repo). If the format is invalid, it displays an error and exits the script.

Docker Run for version 2.x.x

version_2() {
  echo "Running Uptime-Kuma version 2.x.x..."

  # Check if the container is already running.
  if [ "$(docker ps -q -f name=uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2)" ]; then
    echo "Error: The container 'uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2' is already running."
    # Exit if the container is already running
    exit 1

  # Execute the Docker run command with necessary environment variables and options.
  docker run \
    --env RUN_LOCAL=true \
    --env UPTIME_KUMA_GH_REPO="$pr_repo_name" \
    --env PUID="$puid" \
    --env PGID="$pgid" \
    --name uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2 \
    --pull=always \
    --publish "$port_app:3000/tcp" \
    --publish "$port_api:3001/tcp" \
    --security-opt="no-new-privileges=true" \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --no-healthcheck \
    --rm \
    louislam/uptime-kuma:pr-test2 || {
    echo "Exiting container. Goodbye! Use CTRL+C to terminate."
    # Exit if the command fails or was terminated using CTRL+C
    exit 1

This function runs the Uptime-Kuma version 2 container without persistent storage:

  • Checks if a container with the name uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2 is already running. If it is, the function exits.
  • Runs the container with the Uptime-Kuma image using the set environment variables (RUN_LOCAL, UPTIME_KUMA_GH_REPO, PUID, PGID), publishes the ports ($port_app:3000/tcp, $port_api:3001/tcp), and enforces limited privileges using --security-opt="no-new-privileges=true".
  • Removes the container after execution (--rm), disables health checks (--no-healthcheck), and runs it interactively with a terminal (--interactive, --tty).

Docker Run with Persistent Storage

version_2_persistent_storage() {
  echo "Running Uptime-Kuma version 2.x.x with persistent storage..."

  # Check if the container is already running.
  if [ "$(docker ps -q -f name=uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2)" ]; then
    echo "Error: The container 'uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2' is already running."
    # Exit if the container is already running
    exit 1

  # Execute the Docker run command with necessary environment variables, options, and volume mapping for persistence.
  docker run \
    --env RUN_LOCAL=true \
    --env UPTIME_KUMA_GH_REPO="$pr_repo_name" \
    --env PUID="$puid" \
    --env PGID="$pgid" \
    --name uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2 \
    --pull=always \
    --volume uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2:/app/data \
    --publish "$port_app:3000/tcp" \
    --publish "$port_api:3001/tcp" \
    --security-opt="no-new-privileges=true" \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --no-healthcheck \
    --rm \
    louislam/uptime-kuma:pr-test2 || {
    echo "Exiting container. Goodbye! Use CTRL+C to terminate."
    # Exit if the command fails or was terminated using CTRL+C
    exit 1

This function is similar to version_2 but includes persistent storage using a volume (--volume uptime-kuma-pr-test-v2:/app/data). It allows any changes made in the container to be saved across runs.

Cleanup Function

cleanup_dangling_images() {
  echo "Removing unused Docker images to free up storage..."
  # Prune dangling images to recover disk space.
  docker image prune --filter "dangling=true" -f || {
    echo "Error: Failed to prune Docker images. Please check your Docker setup."
    # Exit if the command fails
    exit 1

This function cleans up any unused (dangling) Docker images to free up disk space by running docker image prune.

Main Execution Logic

while true; do
  echo "======================================================================"
  echo "         Welcome to the Uptime-Kuma Pull Request Testing Tool         "
  echo "======================================================================"
  echo "Please choose an option:"
  echo "   1. Uptime-Kuma Pull Request version: 2.x.x"
  echo "   2. Uptime-Kuma Pull Request version: 2.x.x with Persistent Storage"
  echo "   q: quit   h: help   i: info"
  echo "======================================================================"
  read -r -p "Please select an option (1, 2, h, i, or q to exit): " choice

  case $choice in
  h | --help)
    # Show help message
    # Wait for user input
    read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."
  i | --info)
    # Show system info
    # Wait for user input
    read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."
  q | --quit)
    echo "Exiting the script Goodbye!."
    echo "Thank you for using the Uptime-Kuma Pull Request Testing Tool."
    # Exiting the script
    exit 0
    echo "Error: Invalid option. Please try again." # Error message for invalid option

This main menu loop:

  • Displays a menu with options to run the Docker container with or without persistent storage, display help, show system info, or exit.

  • Prompts the user to select an option.

  • Based on the choice, it either runs one of the version_2 functions, displays help, shows system info, or exits.

    The selected function (version_2 or version_2_persistent_storage) is then called based on the user’s input.

Prompt for GitHub Repository and Execution

read -r -p "Please enter the GitHub repository link here (e.g., Ionys320:master): " pr_repo_name
validate_repo_name "$pr_repo_name"

After the user selects an option, they are prompted to enter a GitHub repository link. The script then:

  • Validates the link format.
  • Runs the Docker container as per the selected function (version_2 or version_2_persistent_storage).
  • Finally, calls cleanup_dangling_images to remove unused Docker images.


This script provides a flexible and interactive way for developers to test Uptime-Kuma pull requests, whether they require temporary or persistent Docker environments.

Last updated 23 Feb 2025, 11:03 CET . history