Let’s break down what this script does in detail. The script is named super_linter.sh, authored by GJS (homelab-alpha), and its purpose is to facilitate local linting of code repositories using the GitHub Super Linter tool. It wraps the Super Linter Docker container, providing options for linting either a local Git repository or a specific folder.

Script Metadata

  • Filename: super_linter.sh
  • Author: GJS (homelab-alpha)
  • Date: May 20, 2024
  • Version: 1.1.2
  • Description: This script facilitates local linting of code repositories using the GitHub Super Linter tool. It wraps the Super Linter Docker container, providing options for linting either a local Git repository or a specific folder.
  • RAW Script:super_linter.sh

The script provides functions to run the Super Linter Docker container with different options, processes command-line arguments, and presents a menu for the user to choose which linting mode to run.

Default Debug Mode


The script starts by setting a default value for the debug mode, which is false.

Function to Run Docker with Standard Options

run_docker_super_linter() {
  docker run \
    --env DEFAULT_BRANCH=main \
    --env RUN_LOCAL=true \
    --name super-linter \
    --pull=always \
    --rm \
    --volume "$PWD":/tmp/lint \
    "$@" \

This function runs the Super Linter Docker container with standard options. It sets environment variables, removes the container after it runs, and mounts the current working directory to /tmp/lint inside the container.

Function to Run Docker with Extra Options

run_docker_super_linter_file() {
  docker run \
    --env DEFAULT_BRANCH=main \
    --env RUN_LOCAL=true \
    --env USE_FIND_ALGORITHM=true \
    --name super-linter \
    --pull=always \
    --rm \
    --volume "$PWD":/tmp/lint/file \
    "$@" \

This function is similar to the previous one but includes an additional environment variable USE_FIND_ALGORITHM=true and mounts the current directory to /tmp/lint/file.

Processing Command-Line Options

while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
  case $1 in
  -d | --debug)
    echo "Unknown parameter: $1"
    exit 1

The script processes command-line arguments to check if the debug mode should be enabled (-d or --debug). If an unknown parameter is provided, it prints an error message and exits.

Check if Debug Mode is Enabled

if [ "$DEBUG" = true ]; then
  echo "Debug mode is enabled."

If the debug mode is enabled, it prints a message indicating so.

echo "Choose an option:"
echo "1. Root directory"
echo "2. Local File or Folder"
read -rp "Enter the number of the desired option: " choice

The script presents a menu for the user to choose whether to lint the root directory or a specific file/folder.

Execute the Selected Option

case $choice in
  if [ "$DEBUG" = true ]; then
    run_docker_super_linter -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG
  if [ "$DEBUG" = true ]; then
    run_docker_super_linter_file -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG
  echo "Invalid choice. Enter 1 or 2."

Depending on the user’s choice, the script calls the appropriate function to run the Super Linter Docker container. If debug mode is enabled, it also sets the LOG_LEVEL to DEBUG.


This script helps streamline the linting process by using Docker to encapsulate the Super Linter tool, making it easy to run consistent linting checks across different environments.

Last updated 23 Feb 2025, 11:03 CET . history