Let’s break down what this script does in detail. The script is named check_pi_throttling.sh, authored by GJS (homelab-alpha), and its purpose is to check the throttling status of a Raspberry Pi by querying the vcgencmd tool. This is useful for monitoring the system’s health and ensuring it is operating within safe parameters.

Script Metadata

  • Filename: check_pi_throttling.sh
  • Author: GJS (homelab-alpha)
  • Date: May 18, 2024
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: This script checks the throttling status of a Raspberry Pi by querying the vcgencmd tool.
  • RAW Script: check_pi_throttling.sh

Flag Bits

These are hexadecimal constants representing different throttling conditions:

  • UNDERVOLTED: Indicates if the Pi is currently undervolted.
  • CAPPED: Indicates if the CPU frequency is capped.
  • THROTTLED: Indicates if the Pi is currently throttled.
  • SOFT_TEMPLIMIT: Indicates if the Pi has hit a soft temperature limit.
  • HAS_UNDERVOLTED: Indicates if the Pi has been undervolted at any time since last reboot.
  • HAS_CAPPED: Indicates if the CPU frequency has been capped at any time since last reboot.
  • HAS_THROTTLED: Indicates if the Pi has been throttled at any time since last reboot.
  • HAS_SOFT_TEMPLIMIT: Indicates if the Pi has hit a soft temperature limit at any time since last reboot.

Text Colors

These define color codes for output text using tput for better readability:

GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
NC=$(tput sgr0)
  • GREEN: Sets text color to green.
  • RED: Sets text color to red.
  • NC: Resets text color to default.

Output Strings

These are used to standardize “good” and “bad” status messages:

  • GOOD: Indicates a non-problematic status with green text “NO”.
  • BAD: Indicates a problematic status with red text “YES”.

Get Status and Extract Hex Value

This part queries the vcgencmd tool and extracts the status:

STATUS=$(vcgencmd get_throttled)
  • STATUS=$(vcgencmd get_throttled): Runs the vcgencmd get_throttled command which returns the throttling status.
  • STATUS=${STATUS#*=}: Strips the “throttled=” prefix, leaving only the hex status value.

Display Status

This part of the script displays the current status in a readable format:

echo -n "Status: "
((STATUS != 0)) && echo "${RED}${STATUS}${NC}" || echo "${GREEN}${STATUS}${NC}"
echo ""
  • echo -n "Status: ": Prints “Status: " without a newline.
  • ((STATUS != 0)) && echo "${RED}${STATUS}${NC}" || echo "${GREEN}${STATUS}${NC}": Checks if STATUS is non-zero. If true, it prints the status in red; otherwise, it prints the status in green.

Detailed Condition Checks

The script then checks and displays whether each specific condition is currently active and if it has ever been active:

echo "Undervolted:"
echo -n "Now: "
((STATUS & UNDERVOLTED != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}"
echo -n "Run: "
((STATUS & HAS_UNDERVOLTED != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}"
echo ""

echo "Throttled:"
echo -n "Now: "
((STATUS & THROTTLED != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}"
echo -n "Run: "
((STATUS & HAS_THROTTLED != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}"
echo ""

echo "Frequency Capped:"
echo -n "Now: "
((STATUS & CAPPED != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}"
echo -n "Run: "
((STATUS & HAS_CAPPED != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}"
echo ""

echo "Softlimit:"
echo -n "Now: "
((STATUS & SOFT_TEMPLIMIT != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}"
echo -n "Run: "
((STATUS & HAS_SOFT_TEMPLIMIT != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}"
echo ""

For each condition (Undervolted, Throttled, Frequency Capped, and Softlimit):

  1. Current Status:

    • echo -n "Now: ": Prints “Now: " without a newline.
    • ((STATUS & CONDITION != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}": Checks if the specific condition is currently active and prints “YES” (in red) if true, or “NO” (in green) if false.
  2. Historical Status:

    • echo -n "Run: ": Prints “Run: " without a newline.
    • ((STATUS & HAS_CONDITION != 0)) && echo "${BAD}" || echo "${GOOD}": Checks if the specific condition has ever been active and prints “YES” (in red) if true, or “NO” (in green) if false.


By running this script, users can quickly see if their Raspberry Pi has encountered any power or thermal issues that could affect performance. The use of color-coded output makes it easy to identify problems at a glance.

Last updated 23 Feb 2025, 11:03 CET . history