Let’s break down what this script does in detail. The script is named audio_converter.sh, authored by GJS (homelab-alpha), and its purpose is to convert audio files in various formats (m4a, mp3, wma) to MP3 format with specific settings for bitrate, sampling rate, and channel configuration.

Script Metadata

  • Filename: audio_converter.sh
  • Author: GJS (homelab-alpha)
  • Date: May 18, 2024
  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Description: This script converts audio files in formats such as m4a, mp3, and wma to MP3 format with a bitrate of 128k, a sampling rate of 44.1kHz, and 2-channel audio.
  • Dependencies: avconv, ffmpeg
  • RAW Script: audio_converter.sh


  1. Enable Case-Insensitive Matching:

    shopt -s nocasematch

    This allows the script to match file extensions without regard to case (e.g., .MP3 and .mp3 are treated the same).

  2. Define the Working Directory:


    This sets the directory where the converted MP3 files will be stored.

  3. Check and Create the Directory:

    if [ ! -d "$working_directory" ]; then
      echo "Convert directory does not exist: $working_directory"
      mkdir -p "$working_directory"
      echo "Convert directory created: $working_directory"

    This block checks if the specified directory exists. If it doesn’t, it creates the directory.

File Conversion

  1. Loop Through Files in the Current Directory:

    for i in *; do

    This loop iterates over each file in the current directory.

  2. Case Statement for File Types:

    case $i in

    This part of the script handles files based on their extensions. Let’s break down each case:

    • MP3 Files:

      avconv -analyzeduration 999999999 -map_metadata 0 -i "$i" -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 128k -ar 44100 "$working_directory/$(basename "$i" .mp3).mp3"
      echo "$i converted to MP3"

      This converts MP3 files using avconv with specific parameters: 128k bitrate, 44.1kHz sampling rate, and 2 channels. The metadata is preserved, and the output file is saved in the specified directory.

    • M4A Files:

      ffmpeg -i "$i" -n -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128k "$working_directory/$(basename "$i" .m4a).mp3"
      echo "$i converted to MP3"

      This converts M4A files using ffmpeg with similar settings. The -n option prevents overwriting existing files.

    • WMA Files:

      avconv -analyzeduration 999999999 -map_metadata 0 -i "$i" -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 128k -ar 44100 "$working_directory/$(basename "$i" .wma).mp3"
      echo "$i converted to MP3"

      This converts WMA files using avconv with the same parameters as for MP3 files.

    • Unrecognized Files:

      echo "Skipping unrecognized file: $i"

      If the file doesn’t match any of the recognized extensions, the script skips it and prints a message.


  1. Disable Case-Insensitive Matching:

    shopt -u nocasematch

    This reverts the case-matching setting to its original state.

  2. Exit the Script:

    exit 0

    This ends the script.


The audio_converter.sh script is designed to automate the conversion of various audio file formats to MP3 with consistent settings. It ensures the converted files are stored in a designated directory, handles errors gracefully, and avoids overwriting existing files.

This script effectively converts various audio formats to MP3 while maintaining the original directory structure and handling errors gracefully.

Last updated 23 Feb 2025, 11:03 CET . history