Welcome to the Troubleshooting Guide, your go-to resource for finding solutions to common problems. Whether you’re dealing with hardware issues, software glitches, or connectivity problems, this guide is designed to help you identify and fix the most frequent issues you might encounter.


00Not usedYES6
01Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
02AP initialization before microcode loading
03System Agent initialization before microcode loading
04PCH initialization before microcode loading
06Microcode loading
07AP initialization after microcode loading
08System Agent initialization after microcode loading
09PCH initialization after microcode loading
0BCache initialization
0C–0DReserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0EMicrocode not found
0FMicrocode not loaded
10PEI Core is started
11–14Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15–18Pre-memory System Agent initialization is startedYES4
19–1CPre-memory PCH initialization is startedYES6
2B–2FMemory initialization
30Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)YES6
31Memory Installed
32–36CPU post-memory initialization
37–3APost-Memory System Agent initialization is started
3B–3EPost-Memory PCH initialization is started
4FDXE IPL is started
50–53Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memoryspeedYES3
54Unspecified memory initialization error
55Memory not installedYES3
56Invalid CPU type or Speed
57CPU mismatch
58CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error
59CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed
5AInternal CPU error
5BReset PPI is not available
5C–5FReserved for future AMI error codes
E0S3 Resume is stared (S3 Resume PPI is called by the DXE IPL)
E1S3 Boot Script execution
E2Video repost
E3-OSS3 wake vector call
E4–E7Reserved for future AMI progress codes
E8S3 Resume Failed
E9S3 Resume PPI not Found
EAS3 Resume Boot Script Error
EBS3 OS Wake Error
EC–EFReserved for future AMI error codes
F0Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1Recovery condition triggered by user (Forced recovery)
F2Recovery process started
F3Recovery firmware image is found
F4Recovery firmware image is loaded
F5–F7Reserved for future AMI progress codes
F8Recovery PPI is not available
F9Recovery capsule is not foundYES3
FAInvalid recovery capsule
FB–FFReserved for future AMI error codes
60DXE Core is started
61NVRAM initialization
62Installation of the PCH Runtime Services
63–67CPU DXE initialization is started
68PCI host bridge initialization
69System Agent DXE initialization is started
6ASystem Agent DXE SMM initialization is started
6B–6FSystem Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)
70PCH DXE initialization is started
71PCH DXE SMM initialization is started
72PCH devices initialization
73–77PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)
78ACPI module initialization
79CSM initialization
7A–7FReserved for future AMI DXE codes
90Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91Driver connecting is started
92PCI Bus initialization is started
93PCI Bus Hot Plug Controller Initialization
94PCI Bus Enumeration
95PCI Bus Request Resources
96PCI Bus Assign Resources
97Console Output devices connect
98Console input devices connect
99Super IO InitializationYES4
9AUSB initialization is started
9BUSB Reset
9CUSB Detect
9DUSB Enable
9E–9FReserved for future AMI codes
A0IDE initialization is startedYES7
A1IDE Reset
A2IDE DetectYES7Please try to clear CMOS
A3IDE Enable
A4SCSI initialization is started
A5SCSI Reset
A6SCSI Detect
A7SCSI Enable
A8Setup Verifying Password
A9Start of SetupYES9
AAReserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)YES10
ABSetup Input Wait
ACReserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
ADReady To Boot event
AELegacy Boot event
AFExit Boot Services event
B0Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP BeginYES4
B1Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP End
B2Legacy Option ROM InitializationYES8
B3System Reset
B4USB hot plug
B5PCI bus hot plug
B6Clean-up of NVRAM
B7Configuration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)
B8–BFReserved for future AMI codes
D0CPU initialization error
D1System Agent initialization error
D2PCH initialization error
D3Some of the Architectural Protocols are not available
D4PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources
D5No Space for Legacy Option ROM
D6No Console Output Devices are foundYES5
D7No Console Input Devices are found
D8Invalid password
D9Error loading Boot Option (LoadImage returned error)
DABoot Option is failed (StartImage returned error)
DBFlash update is failed
DCReset protocol is not available
0x01System is entering S1 sleep state
0x01System is entering S2 sleep state
0x03System is entering S3 sleep state
0x04System is entering S4 sleep state
0x05System is entering S5 sleep state
0x10System is waking up from the S1 sleep state
0x20System is waking up from the S2 sleep state
0x30System is waking up from the S3 sleep state
0x40System is waking up from the S4 sleep stateYES6
0xACSystem has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in PIC mode.
0xAASystem has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in APIC mode.

Problem type

1CPU abnormal
2Graphic Card abnormal
3Memory abnormal
4CPU abnormal and/or Memory abnormal
5Graphic Card abnormal and/or Memory abnormal
6CPU abnormal Graphic, and/or Card abnormal, and/or Memory abnormal
7Boot up device abnormal
8External device abnormal
9Boot into the BIOS
10Boot into the system

Last updated 01 Sep 2024, 10:22 CEST . history