Let’s break down what this script does in detail. The script is named dotfiles_installer.sh, authored by GJS (homelab-alpha), and its purpose is to manage the installation and uninstallation of dotfiles. The script backs up existing dotfiles before installing new ones and can restore backups during uninstallation. It also checks if Git is installed, as it is necessary for managing dotfiles repositories.

Here’s a detailed explanation:

Script Metadata

  • Filename: dotfiles_installer.sh
  • Author: GJS (homelab-alpha)
  • Date: June 5, 2024
  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Description: The script provides a function to install and uninstall dotfiles, including creating backups and restoring them if necessary.
  • RAW Script: dotfiles_installer.sh

Detailed Explanation

Check if Git is Installed

check_git() {
    if ! command -v git &>/dev/null; then
        echo "Git is not installed. Please install Git before running this script."
        exit 1

This function checks if Git is installed on the system. If not, it prompts the user to install Git and exits the script.

Create a Backup of Existing Dotfiles

create_backup() {
    local backup_dir="$HOME/dotfiles_backup/before_installation"
    mkdir -p "$backup_dir"

    for file in ~/.bash_* ~/.bashrc ~/.gitconfig ~/.nano ~/.nanorc ~/.profile ~/.selected_editor ~/.tmux.conf ~/.vimrc ~/.zshrc; do
        if [ -e "$file" ]; then
            cp -r "$file" "$backup_dir" || {
                echo "Error: Unable to create backup for $file" >&2
                exit 1
            echo "Backup created for $file"
            echo "Skipping $file as it does not exist"
    echo "Backup completed at: $backup_dir"

This function creates a backup of existing dotfiles. It creates a directory for backups and copies each dotfile if it exists. If a file cannot be copied, it outputs an error and exits the script.

Install Dotfiles

install_dotfiles() {
    if [ -d "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles" ]; then
        find "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles" -name '.bash_*' -exec cp {} "$HOME" \; &&
            cp "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles/.bashrc" "$HOME" &&
            cp "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles/.gitconfig" "$HOME" &&
            cp "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles/.nanorc" "$HOME" &&
            cp "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles/.selected_editor" "$HOME" &&
            cp "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles/.tmux.conf" "$HOME" &&
            cp "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles/.vimrc" "$HOME" &&
            cp "$HOME/dotfiles/dotfiles/.zshrc" "$HOME" &&
            cp -r "$HOME/dotfiles/.bash_script" "$HOME" &&
            cp -r "$HOME/dotfiles/.nano" "$HOME" &&
            if [ ! -d "$HOME/.versioning" ]; then
                mkdir "$HOME/.versioning"
        rm -rf "$HOME/dotfiles/.git" "$HOME/dotfiles/.github" "$HOME/dotfiles/.gitignore"
        echo "dotfiles successfully installed"
        echo "Error: dotfiles directory not found" >&2
        exit 1

This function installs new dotfiles. It copies dotfiles from the dotfiles directory in the user’s home directory to the appropriate locations. It also removes Git-related directories and files after copying.

Backup Files Before Uninstallation

backup_files() {
    local backup_dir="$HOME/dotfiles_backup/before_uninstallation"
    mkdir -p "$backup_dir"

    for file in ~/.bash_* ~/.bashrc ~/.gitconfig ~/.nano ~/.nanorc ~/.profile ~/.selected_editor ~/.tmux.conf ~/.vimrc ~/.zshrc; do
        if [ -e "$file" ]; then
            cp -r "$file" "$backup_dir" || {
                echo "Error: Unable to create backup for $file" >&2
                exit 1
            echo "Backup created for $file"
            echo "Skipping $file as it does not exist"
    echo "Backup completed at: $backup_dir"

This function creates a backup of the current dotfiles before uninstallation. It is similar to the create_backup function but is used during the uninstallation process.

Remove Dotfiles

remove_dotfiles() {
    rm -rf ~/.bash_* ~/.bashrc ~/.gitconfig ~/.nano ~/.nanorc ~/.profile ~/.selected_editor ~/.tmux.conf ~/.vimrc ~/.zshrc ||
            echo "Error: Unable to remove dotfiles" >&2
            return 1
    echo "dotfiles successfully removed"

This function removes the dotfiles from the home directory. If it encounters an error while removing the files, it outputs an error message.

Restore Backup Files

restore_backup() {
    local backup_dir="$HOME/dotfiles_backup/before_installation"
    cp -a "$backup_dir"/. "$HOME" || {
        echo "Error: Unable to restore backup" >&2
        exit 1
    echo "Backup successfully restored"

This function restores the backup of the original dotfiles created before installation. If it encounters an error, it outputs an error message and exits the script.

Main Installation Function

install() {
    create_backup &&
        install_dotfiles &&
        echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - dotfiles installation completed" >>"$HOME/dotfiles.log" &&
        echo "Installation completed. Check dotfiles_installation.log for details."

This function orchestrates the installation process by calling the create_backup and install_dotfiles functions. It logs the installation completion time.

Main Uninstallation Function

uninstall() {
    if backup_files &&
        remove_dotfiles &&
        sleep 0.5 &&
        restore_backup; then
        echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - dotfiles uninstallation completed" >>"$HOME/dotfiles.log"
        echo "Uninstallation completed. Check dotfiles_installation.log for details."
        echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - dotfiles uninstallation encountered errors" >>"$HOME/dotfiles.log"
        echo "Uninstallation encountered errors. Check dotfiles_installation.log for details."
    sleep 0.5
    rm -rf ~/dotfiles

This function orchestrates the uninstallation process by calling backup_files, remove_dotfiles, and restore_backup functions. It logs the uninstallation completion time and removes the dotfiles directory from the home directory.

Display Menu for Action Selection

echo "Welcome to the dotfiles installation/uninstallation tool"
echo "1. Install dotfiles"
echo "2. Uninstall dotfiles"
read -r -p "Enter your choice: " choice
if [ "$choice" == "1" ]; then
elif [ "$choice" == "2" ]; then
    echo "Invalid choice. Exiting."

The script presents a menu to the user to choose between installing and uninstalling dotfiles. Based on the user’s choice, it either calls the check_git and install functions for installation or the uninstall function for uninstallation. If an invalid choice is entered, it exits the script.


The dotfiles_installer.sh script is a comprehensive tool for managing dotfiles. It ensures that Git is installed, creates backups of existing dotfiles, installs new dotfiles, and can restore the original files during uninstallation. The script is user-friendly, providing a menu for selecting actions and logging the process to a log file.

Last updated 01 Sep 2024, 10:22 CEST . history