Let’s break down what this docker-compose.yml file does in detail. This file is used to configure and deploy a service using Docker Compose, specifically setting up Xen Orchestra for managing XCP-ng or XenServer infrastructure.

Here’s a detailed explanation:

Compose File Metadata

  • Filename: docker-compose.yml
  • Author: GJS (homelab-alpha)
  • Date: Feb 9, 2025
  • Description: This file configures a custom Docker network and a Xen Orchestra service. It includes detailed network settings and service configurations to ensure Xen Orchestra runs smoothly and securely.
  • RAW Compose File: docker-compose.yml

Networks Configuration

    attachable: false
    internal: false
    external: false
    name: xen-orchestra
    driver: bridge
      driver: default
        - subnet:
      com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge: "false"
      com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc: "true"
      com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade: "true"
      com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4: ""
      com.docker.network.bridge.name: "xen-orchestra"
      com.docker.network.driver.mtu: "1500"
      com.xen-orchestra.network.description: "is an isolated bridge network."
  • networks: This section defines a custom network named xen-orchestra_net.
  • attachable: Set to false, meaning other containers can’t attach to this network.
  • internal: false: The network is accessible externally.
  • external: false: The network is not externally defined but created within this docker-compose file.
  • name: xen-orchestra: Specifies the name of the network.
  • driver: bridge: Uses the bridge driver to create an isolated network.
  • ipam: Configures IP address management for the network.
    • driver: default: Uses the default IPAM driver.
    • config: Sets up the IP address configuration.
      • subnet: Defines the subnet for the network.
      • ip_range: Restricts the IP range within the subnet.
      • gateway: Sets the gateway for the network.
  • driver_opts: Additional options for the network driver.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge: “false”: Indicates this is not the default Docker bridge.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc: “true”: Enables inter-container communication.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade: “true”: Allows outbound traffic to appear as if it came from the host.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4: “”: Binds the bridge to all available IP addresses on the host.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.name: “xen-orchestra”: Names the bridge network.
    • com.docker.network.driver.mtu: “1500”: Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit size for the network.
  • labels: Metadata for the network.
    • com.xen-orchestra.network.description: A description label for the network.

Services Configuration

    restart: unless-stopped
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "1M"
        max-file: "2"
    stop_grace_period: 1m
    container_name: xen-orchestra
    image: ronivay/xen-orchestra:latest
    pull_policy: if_not_present
      # - /docker/xen-orchestra/production/.cert/client-cert.pem:/client-cert.pem
      # - /docker/xen-orchestra/production/.cert/client-key.pem:/client-key.pem
      # - /docker/xen-orchestra/production/.cert/ca-cert.pem:/ca-cert.pem
      - /docker/xen-orchestra/production/app:/var/lib/xo-server
      - /docker/xen-orchestra/production/redis:/var/lib/redis
      PUID: "1000"
      PGID: "1000"
      TZ: Europe/Amsterdam # Adjust the timezone to match your local timezone. You can find the full list of timezones here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones.
      HTTP_PORT: 80
      HTTPS_PORT: 443
      REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS: false
      # CERT_PATH: "/docker/xen-orchestra/production/.cert/client-cert.pem"
      # KEY_PATH: "/docker/xen-orchestra/production/.cert/client-key.pem"
    domainname: xo.local # Customize this with your own domain, e.g., `xo.local` to `xo.your-fqdn-here.com`.
    hostname: xo
      - "3006:80/tcp" # HTTP
      - "3006:80/udp" # HTTP
      # - "3007:443/tcp" # HTTPS
      # - "3007:443/udp" # HTTPS
      - "/dev/fuse:/dev/fuse"
      - "/dev/loop-control:/dev/loop-control"
      - "/dev/loop0:/dev/loop0"
      - no-new-privileges:true
      - apparmor:unconfined
      - SYS_ADMIN
      com.docker.compose.project: "xen-orchestra"
        "is a complete solution to visualize, manage, backup and delegate your
        XCP-ng or XenServer infrastructure."
      disable: false
      test: ["CMD", "/healthcheck.sh"]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 10s
      start_interval: 5s
  • services: Defines services to be deployed.
  • xen-orchestra_app: The service name for the Xen Orchestra container.
    • restart: unless-stopped: Ensures the container restarts unless it is explicitly stopped.
    • logging: Configures logging for the container.
      • driver: “json-file”: Uses JSON file logging driver.
      • max-size: “1M”: Limits log file size to 1MB.
      • max-file: “2”: Keeps a maximum of 2 log files.
    • stop_grace_period: 1m: Sets a grace period of 1 minute before forcibly stopping the container.
    • container_name: xen-orchestra: Names the container “xen-orchestra”.
    • image: ronivay/xen-orchestra:latest: Uses the latest Xen Orchestra image from Docker Hub.
    • pull_policy: if_not_present: Pulls the image only if it’s not already present locally.
    • volumes: Mounts host directories or files into the container.
      • /docker/xen-orchestra/production/app:/var/lib/xo-server: Mounts the app directory.
      • /docker/xen-orchestra/production/redis:/var/lib/redis: Mounts the Redis directory.
    • environment: Sets environment variables.
      • PUID: “1000”: Sets the user ID.
      • PGID: “1000”: Sets the group ID.
      • TZ: Europe/Amsterdam: Sets the timezone to Amsterdam.
      • HTTP_PORT: 80: Sets the HTTP port.
      • HTTPS_PORT: 443: Sets the HTTPS port.
      • REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS: false: Disables redirection to HTTPS.
    • domainname: xo.local: Sets the domain name for the container.
    • hostname: xo: Sets the hostname for the container.
    • networks: Connects the service to the xen-orchestra_net network.
      • ipv4_address: Assigns a static IP address to the container.
    • ports: Maps container ports to host ports.
      • 3006:80/tcp: Maps HTTP port 80 to host port 3006.
      • 3006:80/udp: Maps HTTP port 80 to host port 3006 (UDP).
      • 3007:443/tcp: Maps HTTPS port 443 to host port 3007 (commented out).
      • 3007:443/udp: Maps HTTPS port 443 to host port 3007 (UDP, commented out).
    • devices: Passes host devices to the container.
      • /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse: Mounts the fuse device.
      • /dev/loop-control:/dev/loop-control: Mounts the loop control device.
      • /dev/loop0:/dev/loop0: Mounts the loop0 device.
    • security_opt: Security options for the container.
      • no-new-privileges:true: Ensures the container does not gain new privileges.
      • apparmor:unconfined: Disables AppArmor confinement.
    • cap_add: Adds Linux capabilities to the container.
      • SYS_ADMIN: Adds system administration capability.
      • DAC_READ_SEARCH: Adds capability to bypass file read permission checks.
    • labels: Metadata for the container.
      • com.docker.compose.project: “xen-orchestra”: Project label.
      • com.xen-orchestra.description: Description label for Xen Orchestra.
    • healthcheck: Healthcheck configuration.
      • disable: false: Enables health checks for the container.
      • test: Specifies the command to be run for the health check. In this case, it is ["CMD", "/healthcheck.sh"].
      • interval: The time between running health checks (10 seconds).
      • timeout: The time a health check is allowed to run before it is considered to have failed (5 seconds).
      • retries: The number of consecutive failures required before the container is considered unhealthy (3 retries).
      • start_period: The initial period during which a health check failure will not be counted towards the retries (10 seconds).
      • start_interval: The time between starting health checks (5 seconds).


This docker-compose file sets up a robust Docker environment for running Xen Orchestra, a complete solution for managing XCP-ng or XenServer infrastructure. It creates a custom bridge network with specific IP settings and security configurations. The Xen Orchestra service is configured to manage and backup your XCP-ng or XenServer infrastructure with persistent storage, network, and security options. The configuration ensures that Xen Orchestra runs continuously, restarts on failure, and logs efficiently.

Last updated 09 Feb 2025, 13:45 CET . history