Let’s break down what this docker-compose.yml file does in detail for deploying FreshRSS, a self-hostable RSS feed aggregator, along with its MariaDB database for data management.

Here’s a detailed explanation:

Compose File Metadata

  • Filename: docker-compose.yml
  • Author: GJS (homelab-alpha)
  • Date: Feb 11, 2025
  • Description: Configures a Docker network and services for FreshRSS and its MariaDB database.
  • RAW Compose File: docker-compose.yml
  • RAW .env File: .env
  • RAW stack.env File: stack.env
  • RAW my.cnf File: my.cnf

Networks Configuration

    attachable: false
    internal: false
    external: false
    name: freshrss
    driver: bridge
      driver: default
        - subnet:
      com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge: "false"
      com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc: "true"
      com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade: "true"
      com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4: ""
      com.docker.network.bridge.name: "freshrss"
      com.docker.network.driver.mtu: "1500"
      com.freshrss.network.description: "is an isolated bridge network."
  • networks: Defines a custom network named freshrss_net.
  • attachable: Set to false, meaning other containers can’t attach to this network.
  • internal: false: The network is accessible externally.
  • external: false: The network is created within this docker-compose file, not externally defined.
  • name: freshrss: Specifies the name of the network.
  • driver: bridge: Uses the bridge driver to create an isolated network.
  • ipam: Configures IP address management for the network.
    • driver: default: Uses the default IPAM driver.
    • config: Sets up the IP address configuration.
      • subnet: Defines the subnet for the network.
      • ip_range: Restricts the IP range within the subnet.
      • gateway: Sets the gateway for the network.
  • driver_opts: Additional options for the network driver.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge: “false”: Indicates this is not the default Docker bridge.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc: “true”: Enables inter-container communication.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade: “true”: Allows outbound traffic to appear as if it came from the host.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4: “”: Binds the bridge to all available IP addresses on the host.
    • com.docker.network.bridge.name: “freshrss”: Names the bridge network.
    • com.docker.network.driver.mtu: “1500”: Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit size for the network.
  • labels: Metadata for the network.
    • com.freshrss.network.description: A description label for the network.

MariaDB Database Service

    restart: unless-stopped
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "1M"
        max-file: "2"
    stop_grace_period: 1m
    container_name: freshrss_db
    image: mariadb:latest
    pull_policy: if_not_present
      - /docker/freshrss/production/db:/var/lib/mysql
      - /docker/freshrss/production/my.cnf:/etc/my.cnf
      # Choose the correct environment file:
      # - Use '.env' for Docker Compose.
      # - Use 'stack.env' for Portainer.
      # Comment out the file you are not using in the Compose file to avoid issues
      - .env
      - stack.env
      PUID: "1000"
      PGID: "1000"
      TZ: Europe/Amsterdam
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${ROOT_PASSWORD_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
      MYSQL_DATABASE: ${NAME_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
      MYSQL_USER: ${USER_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${PASSWORD_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
    hostname: freshrss_db
      - no-new-privileges:true
      com.freshrss.db.description: "is a MySQL database."
      disable: false
      test: ["CMD", "healthcheck.sh", "--connect", "--innodb_initialized"]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 10s
      start_interval: 5s
  • freshrss_db: The service name for the MariaDB container.
    • restart: unless-stopped: Ensures the container restarts unless it is explicitly stopped.
    • logging: Configures logging for the container.
      • driver: “json-file”: Uses JSON file logging driver.
      • max-size: “1M”: Limits log file size to 1MB.
      • max-file: “2”: Keeps a maximum of 2 log files.
      • stop_grace_period: 1m: Sets a grace period of 1 minute before forcibly stopping the container.
    • container_name: freshrss_db: Names the container “freshrss_db”.
    • image: mariadb:latest: Uses the latest MariaDB image from Docker Hub.
    • pull_policy: if_not_present: Pulls the image only if it’s not already present locally.
    • volumes: Mounts host directories or files into the container.
      • /docker/freshrss/production/db:/var/lib/mysql: Mounts the MySQL data directory.
      • /docker/freshrss/production/my.cnf:/etc/my.cnf: Mounts the custom MySQL configuration file.
    • env_file: Specifies environment files.
      • .env: For Docker Compose.
      • stack.env: For Portainer.
    • environment: Sets environment variables.
      • PUID: “1000”: Sets the user ID.
      • PGID: “1000”: Sets the group ID.
      • TZ: Europe/Amsterdam: Sets the timezone to Amsterdam.
      • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Sets the MySQL root password.
      • MYSQL_DATABASE: Sets the database name.
      • MYSQL_USER: Sets the MySQL user.
      • MYSQL_PASSWORD: Sets the MySQL user password.
    • hostname: freshrss_db: Sets the hostname for the container.
    • networks: Connects the service to the freshrss_net network.
      • ipv4_address: Assigns a static IP address to the container.
    • security_opt: Security options for the container.
      • no-new-privileges:true: Ensures the container does not gain new privileges.
    • labels: Metadata for the container.
      • com.freshrss.db.description: Description label for the MariaDB container.
    • healthcheck: Healthcheck configuration.
      • disable: false: Enables the health check.
      • test: [“CMD”, “healthcheck.sh”, “–connect”, “–innodb_initialized”]: Defines the health check command.

FreshRSS Application Service

  restart: unless-stopped
    driver: "json-file"
      max-size: "1M"
      max-file: "2"
  stop_grace_period: 1m
  container_name: freshrss
  image: freshrss/freshrss:latest
  pull_policy: if_not_present
      condition: service_healthy
    - freshrss_db
    - /docker/freshrss/production/app/data:/var/www/FreshRSS/data
    - /docker/freshrss/extensions:/var/www/FreshRSS/extensions
    # Choose the correct environment file:
    # - Use '.env' for Docker Compose.
    # - Use 'stack.env' for Portainer.
    # Comment out the file you are not using in the Compose file to avoid issues
    - .env
    - stack.env
    PUID: "1000"
    PGID: "1000"
    TZ: Europe/Amsterdam
    CRON_MIN: "*/10"
    MYSQL_HOST: ${HOST_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
    MYSQL_PORT: ${PORT_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
    MYSQL_NAME: ${NAME_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
    MYSQL_USER: ${USER_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
    MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${PASSWORD_DB} # Fill in the value in both the .env and stack.env files
  domainname: freshrss.local
  hostname: freshrss
    - "3002:80/tcp" # HTTP
    - "3002:80/udp" # HTTP
    - no-new-privileges:true
    com.docker.compose.project: "freshrss"
    com.freshrss.description: "is a free, self-hostable feeds aggregator."
    disable: true
  • freshrss_app: The service name for the FreshRSS container.
    • restart: unless-stopped: Ensures the container restarts unless it is explicitly stopped.
    • logging: Configures logging for the container.
      • driver: “json-file”: Uses JSON file logging driver.
      • max-size: “1M”: Limits log file size to 1MB.
      • max-file: “2”: Keeps a maximum of 2 log files.
    • stop_grace_period: 1m: Sets a grace period of 1 minute before forcibly stopping the container.
    • container_name: freshrss: Names the container “freshrss”.
    • image: freshrss/freshrss:latest: Uses the latest FreshRSS image from Docker Hub.
    • pull_policy: if_not_present: Pulls the image only if it’s not already present locally.
    • depends_on: Specifies dependencies for this service.
      • freshrss_db: Waits for the database service to be healthy.
    • links: Links to the database container.
      • freshrss_db: Links to the freshrss_db container.
    • volumes: Mounts host directories or files into the container.
      • /docker/freshrss/production/app/data:/var/www/FreshRSS/data: Mounts the FreshRSS data directory.
      • /docker/freshrss/extensions:/var/www/FreshRSS/extensions: Mounts the FreshRSS extensions directory.
    • env_file: Specifies environment files.
      • .env: For Docker Compose.
      • stack.env: For Portainer.
    • environment: Sets environment variables.
      • PUID: “1000”: Sets the user ID.
      • PGID: “1000”: Sets the group ID.
      • TZ: Europe/Amsterdam: Sets the timezone to Amsterdam.
      • CRON_MIN: “*/10”: Sets the cron job interval.
      • MYSQL_HOST: The database host.
      • MYSQL_PORT: The database port.
      • MYSQL_NAME: The database name.
      • MYSQL_USER: The database user.
      • MYSQL_PASSWORD: The database user password.
    • domainname: freshrss.local: Sets the domain name for the container.
    • hostname: freshrss: Sets the hostname for the container.
    • networks: Connects the service to the freshrss_net network.
      • ipv4_address: Assigns a static IP address to the container.
    • ports: Maps container ports to host ports.
      • 3002:80/tcp: Maps the HTTP port (TCP).
      • 3002:80/udp: Maps the HTTP port (UDP).
    • security_opt: Security options for the container.
      • no-new-privileges:true: Ensures the container does not gain new privileges.
    • labels: Metadata for the container.
      • com.docker.compose.project: “freshrss”: Project label.
      • com.freshrss.description: Description label for FreshRSS.
    • healthcheck: Healthcheck configuration.
      • disable: true: Disables health checks for the container.

Environment Variables

This file contains configuration settings that can be used by various applications (such as Docker containers or your MySQL server). The values are variables stored outside the source code for security purposes.

Variables in this file

# Database Configuration: ROOT USER
# Change the MySQL root password to a strong, unique password of your choice.
# Ensure the password is complex and not easily guessable.

# Database Configuration: USER
# Database host and connection settings

# Database name:

# MySQL user password: Change this to a strong, unique password

# MySQL connection port (default: 3306)

# MySQL username: Change this to your desired username
  • ROOT_PASSWORD_DB: The password for the root user of the MySQL database. This account has full access to all databases. Make sure this password is strong, unique, and complex to prevent unauthorized access.
  • HOST_DB: The name or IP address of the host where the database is running. In this example, it’s freshrss_db, which may refer to the name of a database container or network within Docker.
  • NAME_DB: The name of the database being used. Here, it’s freshrss_db, indicating this is for an application like FreshRSS.
  • PASSWORD_DB: The password for the freshrss user. Ensure this password is strong and unique, as it grants access to the database.
  • PORT_DB: The port MySQL is listening on. The default is 3306 unless configured differently.
  • USER_DB: The username for accessing the database. In this case, the user is freshrss.

MariaDB/MySQL Configuration

This file contains configuration settings for the MariaDB/MySQL server. It determines how the database behaves, such as connection settings, performance, and security.

Sections in this file

# ============================================
# General Server Settings
# ============================================
server-id = 1
datadir = /var/lib/mysql/
pid-file = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
default-storage-engine = InnoDB
transaction-isolation = REPEATABLE-READ
  • server-id: This is a unique ID for the server, important if you want to set up replication with MariaDB/MySQL. It’s set to 1 here.
  • datadir: The directory where the database files are stored on disk.
  • pid-file: This file holds the process ID of the running MySQL server.
  • skip-name-resolve: This prevents DNS resolution for client connections, improving connection speed.
  • default-storage-engine: The default storage engine for new tables, set to InnoDB, which is ACID-compliant (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).
  • transaction-isolation: The isolation level for transactions, set to REPEATABLE-READ (a common default in MySQL).
  • skip-symbolic-links: Prevents the use of symbolic links, enhancing data security.

# ============================================
# Performance Optimizations
# ============================================
innodb-buffer-pool-size = 2G
innodb-log-file-size = 1G
innodb-log-buffer-size = 32M
innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit = 1
innodb-read-io-threads = 8
innodb-write-io-threads = 8
  • innodb-buffer-pool-size: The amount of memory allocated to cache data in the InnoDB storage engine. This should be a significant portion of your total RAM (here, it’s set to 2GB).
  • innodb-log-file-size: The size of the InnoDB redo log files. Larger log files can improve performance for write-heavy workloads.
  • innodb-log-buffer-size: The size of the memory buffer for the InnoDB log files. Larger buffers reduce disk I/O.
  • innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit: Ensures that logs are written to disk with each transaction commit, providing ACID guarantees, though it can impact performance.
  • innodb-read-io-threads and innodb-write-io-threads: The number of threads InnoDB uses for read and write operations. These can improve performance for high I/O workloads.

# ============================================
# Binary Logging and Replication
# ============================================
log-bin = freshrss_binlog
max-binlog-size = 500M
expire-logs-days = 7
binlog-format = ROW
  • log-bin: Enables binary logging, which is needed for replication and point-in-time recovery. The log will be stored as freshrss_binlog.
  • max-binlog-size: The maximum size for each binary log file. A new log file is created when this limit is reached (500MB in this case).
  • expire-logs-days: The number of days after which binary logs will be automatically purged. Here, it’s set to 7 days to save disk space.
  • binlog-format: The format for binary logging, set to ROW, which ensures data consistency for replication.

# ============================================
# Character Set and Encoding
# ============================================
character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci
  • character-set-server and collation-server: These settings ensure that the database uses UTF-8 encoding by default, which is important for international support. utf8mb4 supports a wider range of characters than the older utf8 encoding.

# ============================================
# SSL/TLS Security
# ============================================
# ssl-ca = /etc/mysql/ssl/ca-cert.pem
# ssl-cert = /etc/mysql/ssl/server-cert.pem
# ssl-key = /etc/mysql/ssl/server-key.pem
# require-secure-transport = 1
  • SSL/TLS settings: These settings enable SSL certificates for encrypted connections. It’s disabled (commented out), but can be configured for added security.


This docker-compose file sets up a Docker environment for FreshRSS and its MariaDB database. The configuration defines a custom bridge network with specific IP settings and security configurations. The MariaDB service is configured to run continuously, with persistent storage for database data. The FreshRSS service depends on the MariaDB service and is configured to run with persistent storage for its data and extensions. Both services are configured with appropriate logging and restart policies, ensuring they run efficiently and securely.

Last updated 11 Feb 2025, 08:20 CET . history