
There are three different approaches to writing hosts blocklists:

  • Adblock-style syntax: the modern approach to writing filtering rules based on using a subset of the Adblock-style rule syntax. This way blocklists are compatible with browser ad blockers.

  • /etc/hosts syntax: the old, tried-and-true approach that uses the same syntax that operating systems do for their hosts files.

  • Domains-only syntax: a simple list of domain names.

If you are creating a blocklist for AdGuard Home, we recommend using the Adblock-style syntax. It has a couple of important advantages over the old-style syntax:

  • Blocklists size. Using pattern matching allows you to have a single rule instead of hundreds of /etc/hosts entries.

  • Compatibility. Your blocklist will be compatible with browser ad blockers, and it will be easier to share rules with a browser filter list.

  • Extensibility. For the last decade the Adblock-style syntax has greatly evolved, and we don’t see why we can’t extend it even more and provide additional features for network-wide blockers.

If you’re maintaining an etc-hosts-style blocklist or if you maintain multiple filter lists regardless of their type, we provide a tool that can be used to compile blocklists for AdGuard Home. We called it Hostlist compiler and we use it ourselves to create AdGuard DNS filter.

Basic examples

  • ||^: block access to the domain and all its subdomains, like

  • @@||^: unblock access to the domain and all its subdomains.

  • (attention, old /etc/hosts-style syntax) respond with to queries for the domain but not its subdomains. remains allowed.

    Using the unspecified IP address ( or a local address ( and alike) for a host is basically the same as blocking that host.

    # Returns the IP address for
    # Blocks by responding with
  • a simple domain rule. Blocks domain but not its subdomains. remains allowed.

  • ! Here goes a comment and # Also a comment: comments.

  • /REGEX/: block access to the domains matching the specified regular expression

Adblock-style syntax

This is a subset of the traditional Adblock-style syntax which is used by browser ad blockers.

rule = ["@@"] pattern [ "$" modifiers ]
modifiers = [modifier0, modifier1[, ...[, modifierN]]]
  • pattern: the hostname mask. Every hostname is matched against this mask. The pattern can also contain special characters, which are described below.

  • @@: the marker that is used in the exception rules. Start your rule with this marker if you want to turn off filtering for the matching hostnames.

  • modifiers: parameters that clarify the rule. They may limit the scope of the rule or even completely change the way it works.

Special characters

  • *: the wildcard character. It is used to represent any set of characters. This can also be an empty string or a string of any length.

  • ||: matches the beginning of a hostname, including any subdomain. For instance, || matches and but not

  • ^: the separator character. Unlike browser ad blocking, there’s nothing to separate in a hostname, so the only purpose of this character is to mark the end of the hostname.

  • |: a pointer to the beginning or the end of the hostname. The value depends on the character placement in the mask. For example, the rule| corresponds to but not to |example corresponds to but not to test.example.

Regular expressions

If you want even more flexibility in making rules, you can use regular expressions instead of the default simplified matching syntax. If you want to use a regular expression, the pattern has to look like this for example:

pattern = "/" regexp "/"
  • /example.*/ will block hosts matching the example.* regexp.

  • @@/example.*/$important will unblock hosts matching the example.* regexp.


Any line that starts with an exclamation mark or a hash sign is a comment and it will be ignored by the filtering engine. Comments are usually placed above rules and used to describe what a rule does for example:

! This is a comment.
# This is also a comment.

Rule modifiers

You can change the behavior of a rule by adding modifiers. Modifiers must be located at the end of the rule after the $ character and be separated by commas.

  • ||^$important

    ||^ is the matching pattern. $ is the delimiter, which signals that the rest of the rule are modifiers. important is the modifier.

  • You may want to use multiple modifiers in a rule. Separate them by commas in this case:


    ||^ is the matching pattern. $ is the delimiter, which signals that the rest of the rule are modifiers. client= is the client modifier with its value,, is the delimiter. And finally, dnstype=A is the dnstype modifier with its value, A.


The client modifier allows specifying clients this rule is applied to. There are two main ways to identify a client:

  • By their IP address or CIDR prefix. This way works for all kinds of clients.

  • By their name. This way only works for persistent clients, that is clients which you have manually added on the “Settings → Client settings” page.

The syntax is:


You can also exclude clients by adding a ~ character before the value. In this case, the rule is not be applied to this client’s DNS requests.


Client names usually contain spaces or other special characters, which is why you should enclose the name in quotes. Both single and double ASCII quotes are supported. Use the backslash (\) to escape quotes (" and '), commas (,), and pipes (|).

  • @@||*^$client= unblock everything for localhost.

  • ||^$client='Frank\'s laptop': block for the client named Frank's laptop only. Note that quote (') in the name must be escaped.

  • ||^$client=~'Mary\'s\, John\'s\, and Boris\'s laptops': block for everyone except for the client named Mary's, John's, and Boris's laptops. Note that comma (,) must be escaped as well.

  • ||^$client=~Mom|~Dad|Kids: block for Kids, but not for Mom and Dad. This example demonstrates how to specify multiple clients in one rule.

  • ||^$client= block for all clients with IP addresses in the range from to


Available since v0.106.0.

You can use the denyallow modifier to exclude domains from the blocking rule. To add multiple domains to one rule, use the | character as a separator.

The syntax is:


This modifier allows avoiding creating unnecessary exception rules when our blocking rule covers too many domains. You may want to block everything save for a couple of TLD domains. You could use the standard approach, i.e. rules like this:

! Block everything.

! Unblock a couple of TLDs.

The problem with this approach is that this way you will also unblock tracking domains that are located on those TLDs (i.e. Here’s how to solve this with denyallow for example:

  • *$denyallow=com|net: block everything save for *.com and *.net.

  • @@*$denyallow=com|net: unblock everything save for *.com and *.net.

  • ||^$ block and * but don’t block

DNS Type

Available since v0.105.0.

The dnstype modifier allows specifying DNS request or response type on which this rule will be triggered.

The syntax is:


The names of the types are case-insensitive, but are validated against a set of actual DNS resource record (RR) types.

Do not combine exclusion rules with inclusion ones for example:


is equivalent to this:

  • ||^$dnstype=AAAA: block DNS queries for the IPv6 addresses of

  • ||^$dnstype=~A|~CNAME: only allow A and CNAME DNS queries for, block out the rest.


allows you to avoid filtering of the following response:

    canonical name =
    ttl = 60
    internet address =
    ttl = 60

DNS Rewrite

Available since v0.105.0.

The dnsrewrite response modifier allows replacing the content of the response to the DNS request for the matching hosts. Rules with the dnsrewrite response modifier have higher priority than other rules in AdGuard Home.

The shorthand syntax is:


The keywords MUST be in all caps (e.g. NOERROR). Keyword rewrites take precedence over the other and will result in an empty response with an appropriate response code.

Before v0.107.3 the only possible keyword is REFUSED.

Since v0.107.3 response codes NOERROR, NXDOMAIN, and SERVFAIL are also supported.

The full syntax is of the form RCODE;RRTYPE;VALUE:


Since v0.107.3 a $dnsrewrite modifier with the NOERROR response code may also has empty RRTYPE and VALUE fields.

The CNAME one is special because AdGuard Home will resolve the host and add its info to the response. That is, if has IP, and the user has this in their filter rules for example:

! Or:

then the response will be something like:

nslookup my.adguard.local
Server:		my.adguard.local

Non-authoritative answer:	canonical name =

Next, the CNAME rewrite. After that, all other records’ values are summed as one response, so this:


will result in a response with two A records.

Currently supported RR types with examples:

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;PTR; adds a PTR record for reverse DNS. Reverse DNS requests for to the AdGuard Home DNS server will result in
  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;A; adds an A record with the value

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;AAAA;abcd::1234 adds an AAAA record with the value abcd::1234.

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;CNAME; adds a CNAME record. See explanation above.

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;HTTPS;32 alpn=h3 adds an HTTPS record. Only a subset of parameter values is supported: values must be contiguous and, where a value-list is expected`, only one value is currently supported:

    ipv4hint=             // Supported.
    ipv4hint=""           // Unsupported.
    ipv4hint=,   // Unsupported.
    ipv4hint="," // Unsupported.

    This will change in the future.

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;MX;32 example.mail adds an MX record with precedence value 32 and exchange value example.mail.

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;SVCB;32 alpn=h3 adds an SVCB value. See the HTTPS example above.

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;TXT;hello_world adds a TXT record with the value hello_world.

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;SRV;10 60 8080 adds an SRV record with priority value 10, weight value 60, port 8080, and target value

  • ||^$dnsrewrite=NXDOMAIN;; responds with an NXDOMAIN code.

  • $dnstype=AAAA,,dnsrewrite=NOERROR;; responds with an empty NOERROR answers for all AAAA requests except the ones for

Exception rules remove one or all rules for example:

  • @@||^$dnsrewrite removes all DNS rewrite rules.

  • @@||^$dnsrewrite= removes the DNS rewrite rule that adds an A record with the value


The important modifier applied to a rule increases its priority over any other rule without the modifier. Even over basic exception rules for example:

  • In this example:


    ||^$important will block all requests to * despite the exception rule.

  • In this example:


    the exception rule also has the important modifier, so it will work.


The rules with the badfilter modifier disable other basic rules to which they refer. It means that the text of the disabled rule should match the text of the badfilter rule (without the badfilter modifier) for example:

  • ||$badfilter disables ||

  • @@||^$badfilter disables @@||^.


The ctag modifier allows to block domains only for specific types of DNS client tags. You can assign tags to clients in the AdGuard Home UI. In the future, we plan to assign tags automatically by analyzing the behavior of each client.

The syntax is:


If one of client’s tags matches the ctag values, this rule applies to the client. The syntax for exclusion is:


If one of client’s tags matches the exclusion ctag values, this rule doesn’t apply to the client for example:

  • ||^$ctag=device_pc|device_phone: block for clients tagged as device_pc or device_phone.

  • ||^$ctag=~device_phone: block for all clients except those tagged as device_phone.

The list of allowed tags:

  • By device type:

    • device_audio: audio devices.
    • device_camera: cameras.
    • device_gameconsole: game consoles.
    • device_laptop: laptops,
    • device_nas: NAS (Network-attached Storages).
    • device_pc: PCs.
    • device_phone: phones.
    • device_printer: printers.
    • device_securityalarm: security alarms.
    • device_tablet: tablets.
    • device_tv: TVs.
    • device_other: other devices.
  • By operating system:

    • os_android: Android.
    • os_ios: iOS.
    • os_linux: Linux.
    • os_macos: macOS.
    • os_windows: Windows.
    • os_other: other OSes.
  • By user group:

    • user_admin: administrators.
    • user_regular: regular users.
    • user_child: children.

Hosts-style Syntax

For each host a single line should be present with the following information:

IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]

Fields of the entries are separated by any number of space or tab characters. Text from the # character until the end of the line is a comment and is ignored. Modifiers, such as client or badfilter, don’t work with these rules.

Hostnames may contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphen-minus signs (-), and periods (.). They must begin with an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. Optional aliases provide for name changes, alternate spellings, shorter hostnames, or generic hostnames (for example, localhost):

# This is a comment # this is also a comment

The IP addresses are used to respond to the DNS queries for these domains.

Domains-only Syntax

A simple list of domain names, one name per line for example:

# This is a comment # this is also a comment

If a string is not a valid domain (e.g. *, AdGuard Home will consider it to be an Adblock-style rule.

Hostlists Compiler

If you are maintaining a blocklist and use different sources in it, Hostlists compiler may be useful to you. It is a simple tool that makes it easier to compile a hosts blocklist compatible with AdGuard Home or any other AdGuard product with DNS filtering.

What it’s capable of:

  1. Compile a single blocklist from multiple sources.

  2. Exclude the rules you don’t need.

  3. Cleanup the resulting list: deduplicate, remove invalid rules, and compress the list.

Last updated 6 months ago. history